
  我是一朵小小的雪花, rnrn   轻轻的落到了, rnrn   那美丽的大地上。 rnrn   你可知道, rnrn   当时的我是多么的开心啊, rnrn   因为寒冷的冬天过去, rnrn
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  啊 rn   我已太累太累 rn   啊 rn   我到底是谁 rn   我到底是谁 rn   啊 rn   我已头昏脑涨 rn   我已不知道人生的意义 rn   我已丢失了自我 rn   啊
  十年,百年, rn   指尖之间; rn   千年,万年, rn   泪痕之中, rn   无尽轮回, rn   记忆之线…… rn   曾结成的红线, rn   早已化为前缘, rn   那天的
  心回之漫延, rn   浪漫之回旋, rn   放唱之永远, rn   起舞之永联…… rn   撒,一片落叶, rn   滴,一方天边, rn   想,一寸长眠, rn   梦,一碎千年…… r
  别怪我冲你生气 rn   只是因为我在乎你 rn   别说我对你忽冷忽热 rn   只是因为我想知道我在你心中的地位 rn   别问我为什么我对你小心肠 rn   只是因为你是我最重要的人 rn
  月笑星舞明, rn   糕糕人人享。 rn   夜里浮琴声, rn   花落问多少。 rn   诗意:星星在歌舞,月儿咪咪笑着-黑夜 rn   17岁的我弹着钢琴和12岁的弟弟二重弹-声音 rn
  天边, rn   是否有个街市, rn   是否不寻常的灿烂, rn   是否那样的辉煌, rn   或许, rn   能在天边看到那繁华的街市, rn   看到那人来人往的景象, rn   那儿
  拾起一片落叶 rn   里面有个小小的世界 rn   一条条叶脉 rn   无声记述着历史沧桑 rn   当秋风拂过 rn   沙沙述说着离愁 rn   道不尽是缘亦是仇 rn   拾起一片落叶
  曾经,已经过去 rn   未来,还未到来 rn   曾经的我年少轻狂, rn   在迷茫中我既然看到了一丝光明。 rn   啊!那光明多么耀眼, rn   他刺伤了我的眼, rn   让我明白了人
  夜深了, rn   雨水般的眼泪正往下滴落。 rn   灯灭了, rn   心却在问我为什么。 rn   春节就要来了, rn   你却要到别的地方过年。 rn   在你面前, rn   我使劲不
  千千万万,万万千千,杀杀戮戮伐伐。万里长城,夹杂多少生灵?化作星辰无数,孟姜女,哭尽长城。儒生逝,孔老心肃杀,黄泉难寐。 rnrn   号角声动天地,匈奴图谋秦。不自量力。大秦铁骑,丢盔卸甲上阵。
  头顶的是蓝天白云 rnrn   即使是阴霾密布 rnrn   我也能写出 rnrn   它的层层斑斓 rnrn   脚踩的是青青葱葱 rnrn   即使是荒漠沙地 rnrn   我也能绘出 rnr
  风是少女的裙摆 rnrn   被拂堤柳枝挂住 rnrn   抓住枝桠的新叶 rnrn   水是少年的瞳孔 rnrn   把溪中鱼儿映入 rnrn   流过潺潺的声响 rnrn   光是老人的心愿
  逝去了多少个春夏秋冬?了望你, rnrn   曾睡过的沙发, rnrn   好像、 rnrn   好像、 rnrn   还有你的身影; rnrn   想, rnrn   再次握住你的手; rnrn
  幸福是什麽? rnrn   在我的眼中,幸福是一个香香的棉花糖,只要轻轻的一点触摸,那就化了,幸福也就是一下子的来了,来得突然,让你措手不及。 rnrn   幸福中你很快乐,很开心,很甜蜜,很感动
  送一敬仰之人 rn   夕阳虽美 rn   留多少余辉 rn   佳人固秀 rn   余左右英为 rn   知英雄豪杰 rn   情定三生 rn   然念少年为 rn   万古流芳 rn   悔兄
  凯歌高旋伴流水 rn   皇室辉煌奏乐章 rn   螃戏永留待十年 rn   蟹后花容香如故 rn   不日奔赴约庆中 rn   离骚风姿存伴久 rn   不忘难度夜眠安 rn   弃柳慕本了世难
  我的家乡在福建南平,那里是个美丽的地方。 rnrn   春天,那儿百花盛开。有红的,白的,黄的,紫的。小燕子从南方飞回来了。 rnrn   夏天,树木长的十分茂盛。坐在树下面,躲着太阳,吹着凉爽的
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有几篇稍长,你可以去掉几句 1.Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a happy day. 今天和朋友一起出外交游,外面的空气很好,人感觉很舒服.我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香.享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好.大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天. 2.Today Mailehaoduo clothes, and parents take to the streets is happy, the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but saw the price, Ha-ha, is really very happy. I love my parents, I too thank them for the care and love. `` 今天买了好多衣服,和父母上街就是愉快,买东西有父母帮付钱.不像平时自己上街买东西碰到喜欢的但看了价钱都要考虑好久,呵呵,真的是很开心.我爱我的父母,太感谢他们对我的关心和爱戴了. `` 3.My happy Spring Festival After the New Year’s Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala. At about ten o’clock, the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the CCTV 2008 CCTV Spring Festival gala, and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view, and my father took some fireworks up, and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later, my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and classmates. They all blessed me happy New Year. I gave same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm, I made a wish in New Year, and began to sleep. When I woke up in the first day of New Year, my father and mother gave two red packets to me, and blessed me that everything will go well on me. I thanked them, and accepted the red packets happily. I have been waiting for the day that I can get lots of red packets. This is my happiest time of the year. After lunch, both my family went to the park, the streets, and the shops or supermarkets. We took many photos in the park, and bought many things in the shops or supermarket. I met my uncles and aunts, they all blessed us happy New Year and gave me red packets. I was too happy to count how many red packets I got. The following days, we visited my grandparents and some of relatives. We happily talk with them, and brought some presents to them, and also received some New Year presents. This was how did I spend my Spring F I really enjoyed myself in Spring Festival. 我的快乐春节 吃完年夜饭后,我们一家人开始坐在电视机前,观看2008年春节晚会. 大概十点钟左右,黑暗的天空被许多五彩缤纷的礼花照亮了,阵阵礼花声洋溢喜悦之气.于是我们不看晚会了,开始爬上阳台去看礼花夜景.父亲也把我们家的礼花拿出来,让我们去放.真的好漂亮的夜晚. 过了一会,我的手机不停地响个不停.我收到很多来自我的朋友和同学的祝福短信,他们都祝福我新年快乐.我回了短信,也祝他们新年快乐.在接近12点时,我在即将到来的新年里许了个愿,然后就睡觉了. 当我新的一年的第一天醒来时,我的爸爸和妈妈都给了一个红包,他们祝我在新的一年里万事如意. 我谢了他们,快乐地接收了红包. 我早就等着这一天,因为我能收到很多红包. 这是一年之中我最幸福的时候. 吃了中餐,我们一家开始去逛公园,逛街,逛商店和超市. 在公园里我们拍了很多相片,在商店和超市里我们买了很多东西.我们遇到很多阿姨和叔叔,他们都祝我们新年快乐,并给了我红包.我都太高兴了,都数不清我得多少红包. 在接下来的几天,我们到外婆家和一些亲戚家去探亲,我们快乐地和他们吹牛,给他们送礼物,他们也给我们送礼物. 这就是我如何度过我的春节,在春节我玩得真开心呀! 4.正月十五的元宵滚进二月二龙抬头的锣鼓声中.人们唱戏跳舞迎祥龙,为的是盼个风调雨顺的好年成.之后就是布谷催种,细雨绵绵的季节了.这时的乡村一身才气,大雁翱翔成标题,禾苗舒展成字句,小河延伸成花边,蜂儿蝶儿飞进去,飞进去便成了新春专版的题花…… Fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival roller-February 2-percussion sound of the rise. Ying Xianglong people operas, dance, I hope for a favorable weather is good Ningcheng. Followed by reminders of Bulu, the season of the continuous rain. This time, a Talent Village, Dayan flying into heading Hemiao stretch into words, a stream extends into lace, bee flying into Dieren children, will fly into the feature pages of a spring flower that…… 5.贴春联 据说贴春联的习俗,大约始于一千多年前的后蜀时期,这是有史为证的.此外根据《玉烛宝典》,《燕京岁时记》等著作记载,春联的原始形式就是人们所说的“桃符”. 在中国古代神话中,相传有一个鬼域的世界,当中有座山,山上有一棵覆盖三千里的大桃树,树梢上有一只金鸡.每当清晨金鸡长鸣的时候,夜晚出去游荡的鬼魂必赶回鬼域.鬼域的大门坐落在桃树的东北,门边站着两个神人,名叫神荼、郁垒.如果鬼魂在夜间干了伤天害理的事情,神荼、郁垒就会立即发现并将它捉住,用芒苇做的绳子把它捆起来,送去喂虎.因而天下的鬼都畏惧神荼、郁垒.于是民间就用桃木刻成他们的模样,放在自家门口,以避邪防害.后来,人们干脆在桃木板上刻上神荼、郁垒的名字,认为这样做同样可以镇邪去恶.这种桃木板后来就被叫做“桃符”. 到了宋代,人们便开始在桃木板上写对联,一则不失桃木镇邪的意义,二则表达自己美好心愿,三则装饰门户,以求美观.又在象征喜气吉祥的红纸上写对联,新春之际贴在门窗两边,用以表达人们祈求来年福运的美好心愿. It is said that the custom of paste couplets, some began more than 1,000 years ago Houshu period, it is history as a card. In addition, according to the "candle-Collection," "Yanjing mind at the age of the" writings such as records, the original form of couplets is known as "Zhao Fu." In the ancient Chinese mythology, there is a Re-cycle Legend has it in the world, there are mountains, hills covered with a large peach trees in 3000, the tree has a golden rooster. Whenever Jinji ringing of the morning, wandering out at night the ghost will return Re-cycle. Re-cycle is located in the door of peach, the northeast, two door gods stand, the name of God荼, Yu barrier. If the ghost in the evening dry day injury victims rationale things, God荼, Yu barrier will be found and it immediately caught by Flemish Reed do rope tied to it, and sent to feed the tiger. Thus the world are afraid of ghosts God荼, Yu barrier. So with civil peachwood etched on their appearance on their own doorstep, to prevent harm evil. Later, people simply peachwood board inscribed in God荼, Yu Lei's name, so that the town can do the same evil to evil. This peachwood plate was later called "Zhao Fu." By the Song Dynasty, people began to write in peachwood board couplet, a town peachwood evil without losing the meaning of a two express their wishes, three decorative gateway to beautiful. Also at the auspicious symbol of festivity couplet in red paper to write, in the spring of the paste on both sides of the doors and windows for people to pray for the coming year, Fu expressed the good wish of transport. 6.门神 为了祈求一家的福寿康宁,一些地方的人们还保留着贴门神的习惯.据说,大门上贴上两位门神,一切妖魔鬼怪都会望而生畏.在民间,门神是正气和武力的象征,古人认为,相貌出奇的人往往具有神奇的禀性和不凡的本领.他们心地正直善良,捉鬼擒魔是他们的天性和责任,人们所仰慕的捉鬼天师钟馗,即是此种奇形怪相.所以民间的门神永远都怒目圆睁,相貌狰狞,手里拿着各种传统的武器,随时准备同敢于上门来的鬼魅战斗.由于我国民居的大门,通常都是两扇对开,所以门神总是成双成对. In order to pray for the longevity of a Corning, a number of local people retained the habit of stickers door god. Reportedly, the two door god affixed to the door, and all Jiaomoguiguai will be daunting. Civil, door god is upright and force a symbol of the ancients that looks surprisingly often a magical character and extraordinary ability. They carefully integrity of kindness Zhuogui Qin is the devil and the nature of their responsibilities, admired by the people of Zhuogui tianshic Zhong Kui, that is such a strange strange phase. So people are always Numuyuanzheng door god, looks ferocious, holding various traditional weapons to be ready to dare to come in with the ghosts fighting. Since China's residential doors, which are two off, door god always in pairs. 7.唐朝以后,除了以往的神荼、郁垒二将以外,人们又把秦叔宝和尉迟恭两位唐代武将当作门神.相传,唐太宗生病,听见门外鬼魅呼号,彻夜不得安宁.于是他让这两位将军手持武器立于门旁镇守,第二天夜里就再也没有鬼魅骚扰了.其后,唐太宗让人把这两位将军的形象画下来贴在门上,这一习俗开始在民间广为流传. After the Tang Dynasty, in addition to the past God荼, Yu will be outside the barrier, and people again Qinshubao Weichigong two Tang Dynasty generals as door god. Legend has it, Taizong illness, heard the call sign outside the ghosts, through the night no peace. So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding the main entrance, the next day no ghosts on the night of the harassment. Subsequently, the two generals Taizong people the image of this painting down affixed to the doors, the practice began in the civil widely circulated. 8.在那一天人们欢聚一堂.春节通常是在每年的二月份,有时是在一月份.在那天,家家户户会贴上代表幸运的春联,放爆竹,还要吃饺子呢!除夕夜那天,就像圣诞节前夕那天,家家户户聚在一起吃年夜饭,祝福彼此,并聊聊对新的一年的期望.小孩子呢收到压岁钱作为新年的一份礼物! It is the day that the families get together. The spring festival is usually in the February ,sometimes in January.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky inscriptions,they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings.The day before the new year's first day is the new year's eve,same as the christmas eve,all the families get together to have the new year's dinner,wish each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small children will receive the money given to them as a lunar new year gift. 回答者: czq9468 - 秀才 三级 1-15 15:29
1。Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles. We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought. We happily spent a ha...
春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar J the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's E eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival Customs:过年 Guo- have the Spring Festival 对联 poetic couplet:two successive rhyming lines in poetry 春联 Spring Festival couplets 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 New Year paintings 买年货 special purchases for the Spring F do Spring Festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern:a portable light 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper,symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 vaudeville 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year' give New Year' New Year's visit春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar J the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's E eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival Customs:过年 Guo- have the Spring Festival 对联 poetic couplet:two successive rhyming lines in poetry 春联 Spring Festival couplets 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 New Year paintings 买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival do Spring Festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern:a portable light 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper,symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 vaudeville 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year' give New Year' New Year's visit 禁忌 taboo 去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar New Year gift Culture Note:In the old days,New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old.Today,money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 general house-cleaning Blessings:金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home 生意兴隆 Business flourishes 岁岁平安 Peace all year round 恭喜发财 Wishing you prosperity 和气生财 Harmony brings wealth 心想事成 May all your wishes come true 吉祥如意 Everything goes well 国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful 一帆风顺 Wishing you every success 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position 出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go 祝你新的一年快乐幸福:Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!事业成功,家庭美满:Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!Food names:年糕 Nian- New Year cake 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve 饺子 Jiao- Chinese meat ravioli;dumpling 汤圆 Tang- dumplings made of sweet rice,rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings 八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding 糖果盘 candy tray:什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune 蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health 西瓜子 red melon seed - joy,happiness,truth and sincerity 金桔 cumquat - prosperity 糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come 糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship 红枣 red dates - prosperity 花生糖 peanut candy - sweet
春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar J the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's E eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lant...
在欢声笑语中快快乐乐地过年了!关键词:更多年夜饭的相关文章推荐《作文:除夕夜为什么要吃年夜饭》1月24日星期三晴今天我看了一本书,有一篇是介绍除夕夜为什么要吃年夜饭的。传说高阳氏有三个儿子,死后都变成了疫鬼。两个居住...年夜饭年夜饭是一年当中最让人神往的一顿大餐。平时大家庭中的每个成员,大人忙着为生活四处奔波,孩子们也为学业四分五裂。所以,平常日子要召集一家人吃顿饭可...年夜饭代表着至高无上,古时的贤明圣祖在年三十这天也会特赦犯人们回家去吃顿年夜饭,因为这顿饭代表着一个人真实活在世上至高无上的权力,对于中国人而言这是...今天是除夕,是农历最后一天晚,我们和我们的亲戚朋友们准备去酒店吃年夜饭。除夕这一天对华人来说是十分重要的,这一天人们来书是十分重要的,除夕是指每年农历...我帮妈妈做年夜饭提到大年三十,我想大家脑子里都会浮现出放鞭炮.吃年夜饭吧?可是,年夜饭不是那么容易做的,因为今年是我和妈妈一起做的年夜饭。那天我一起床...因为母亲眼中的年夜饭是团圆饭,预示着新一年的开始,一切都要十全十美,不能有半点马虎。每到这时候,我便会言语谨慎,生怕不经意间说出什么不中听的或是不吉利...center&公主岭市站前小学二年四班刘鑫1月24日星期三晴今天我看了一本书,有一篇是介绍除夕夜为什么要吃年夜饭的。传说高阳氏有三个儿子,死后都变成了疫鬼。两个...年夜饭洪欣奕农历30到了,路上的行人都穿着各式各样美丽的衣服,把街道装扮得更加绚丽多彩。到了晚上,路上的行人变少了。我想:可能是新年到了,大家都在家里吃...因为母亲眼中的年夜饭是团圆饭,预示着新一年的开始,一切都要十全十美,不能有半点马虎。每到这时候,我便会言语谨慎,生怕不经意间说出什么不中听的或是不吉利...春节里最古老的传统习俗是吃年夜饭。今年的年夜饭是爷爷、奶奶、我全家和伯父一家一起吃的。记得除夕晚上六时,我们坐车来到金仕顿酒店。酒店里张灯结彩,大堂...今日作文推荐榜用户名:密 &&&码:网友推荐的作文年夜饭推荐散文相关链接本文()由网友IS安琦儿投稿,若侵犯了您的权益,请联系本站处理。本站发布的作文,不做任何商业用途,版权归作者所有。


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