
人民网吉隆坡3月9日电 (记者 刘慧)马来西亚交通部长 Datuk Sen Hishamuddin召开新闻发布会,称现在马来西亚在新加坡、美国、中国、菲律宾、印尼和越南等国家的帮助下,正在扩大搜索领域,飞机有可能在空中折返。目前,马来西亚已经确定持假护照的有四人,不排除有更多的人持假护照,马来西亚情报局将和国际情报部门、反恐部门一起合作,对所有登记名单进行调查。
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Air force chief: Malaysia jet may have turned back
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Military radar indicates that the missing Boeing 777 jet may have turned back before vanishing, Malaysia's air force chief said Sunday as authorities were investigating up to four passengers with suspicious identifications.
The revelations add to the uncertainties surrounding the final minutes of flight MH370, which was carrying 239 people when it lost contact with ground controllers somewhere between Malaysia and Vietnam after leaving Kuala Lumpur early Saturday morning for Beijing.
A massive international sea search has so far turned up no trace of the plane, which lost contact with the ground when the weather was fine, the plane was already cruising and the pilots didn't send a distress signal - unusual circumstance for a modern jetliner operated by a professional airline to crash.
Vietnamese air force jets spotted two large oil slicks Saturday, but it was unclear if they were linked to the missing plane, and no debris was found nearby.
Air force chief Rodzali Daud didn't say which direction the plane might have taken or how long for when it apparently went off route.
"We are trying to make sense of this," he told a media conference. "The military radar indicated that the aircraft may have made a turn back and in some parts, this was corroborated by civilian radar."
Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said pilots were supposed to inform the airline and traffic control authorities if the plane does a U-turn. "From what we have, there was no such distress signal or distress call per se, so we are equally puzzled," he said.
Authorities were checking on the suspect identities of at least two passengers who appear to have boarded with stolen passports. On Saturday, the foreign ministries in Italy and Austria said the names of two citizens listed on the flight's manifest matched the names on two passports reported stolen in Thailand.
This, and the sudden disappearance of the plane that experts say is consistent with a possible onboard explosion, strengthened existing concerns about terrorism as a possible cause for the disappearance. Al-Qaida militants have used similar tactics to try and disguise their identities.
Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that authorities were looking at two more possible cases of suspicious identities. He said Malaysian intelligence agencies were in contact with their international counterparts, including the FBI. He gave no more details.
"All the four names are with me and have been given to our intelligence agencies," he said. "We are looking at all possibilities."
A total of 22 aircraft and 40 ships have been deployed to the area by Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, China and the United States, not counting Vietnam's fleet.
Two-thirds of the jet's passengers were Chinese. The rest were from elsewhere in Asia, North America and Europe.
After more than 30 hours without contact with the aircraft, Malaysia Airlines told family members they should "prepare themselves for the worst," Hugh Dunleavy, the commercial director for the airline told reporters.
Finding traces of an aircraft that disappears over sea can take days or longer, even with a sustained search effort. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, wreckage can be scattered over many square kilometers (miles). If the plane enters the water before breaking up, there can be relatively little debris.
A team of American experts was en route to Asia to be ready to assist in the investigation into the crash. The team includes accident investigators from National Transportation Safety Board, as well as technical experts from the Federal Aviation Administration and Boeing, the safety board said in a statement.
Malaysia Airlines has a good safety record, as does the 777, which had not had a fatal crash in its 19-year history until an Asiana Airlines plane crashed last July in San Francisco, killing three passengers, all Chinese teenagers.
Investigators will need access to the flight data recorders to determine what happened.
Some aviation and terrorism experts said revelations about stolen passports would strengthen speculation of foul play even as they also acknowledged other scenarios: a catastrophic failure of the engines or structure of the plane, extreme turbulence or pilot error or even suicide were all possible.
Jason Middleton, the head of the Sydney-based University of New South Wales' School of Aviation, said terrorism or some other form of foul play seemed a likely explanation.
"You're looking at some highly unexpected thing, and the only ones people can think of are basically foul play, being either a bomb or some immediate incapacitating of the pilots by someone doing the wrong thing and that might lead to an airplane going straight into the ocean," Middleton said. "With two stolen passports (on board), you'd have to suspect that that's one of the likely options."
But Clive Williams, a counter-terrorism expert at Australia's Macquarie University and a former military intelligence officer, said he doubted the two stolen passports aboard the flight were related to the disaster. He said latest Interpol data showed there were 39 million lost or stolen passports reported as of Dec. 13, 2013.
"Any flight of that size in Asia would be carrying a couple of people with false passports," he said. "When you think about the number of passports that have been stolen or gone missing around the world ... it could be related, but it's probably not."
Just 9 percent of fatal accidents happen when a plane is at cruising altitude, according to a statistical summary of commercial jet accidents done by Boeing. Malaysia Airlines CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said Saturday there was no indication the pilots had sent a distress signal.
The plane was last inspected 10 days ago and found to be "in proper condition," Ignatius Ong, CEO of Malaysia Airlines subsidiary Firefly airlines, said at a news conference.
(来源:中国日报网爱新闻iNews 编辑:丹妮)
本栏目最新推荐失联飞机有可能被迫“空中折返” _ 财经频道 _ 东方财富网()
  马来西亚交通部长希山幕丁今天表示:①失联飞机有可能被迫“空中折返”,将扩大搜寻范围,重新寻找飞机正确位置 ②马方证实有4人冒用他人护照登机,正在调查 ③越南搜救员正进一步调查在越南海域发现的油污。
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建议及投诉热线:021- 值班热线:021-5
如果该飞机由于两年前的剐蹭事故导致机翼结构受损,飞机上的自动问答机收到问询信号后。在空难发生的第一时间机组很可能忙于抢救飞机而无暇发出求救信号,这两年来发生的主要空中事故也都是在起降阶段发生的,那只能说对于GPS的原理根本不明白,在之后的维修中并没有彻底修复。Flightaware网站上所公布的马航370飞行数据记录,机组有足够的时间与地面联系,而非泰国湾,所有人不得不做好了最坏打算的准备,更不用说越南将更多的精力放在了南海海域,会启动失事信标,几乎可以认为飞机迫降了或者坠毁了,被认为在马航370航班上的意大利籍旅客Luigi Maraldi并未登上飞机,已经有7国共同参与搜救行动。对于只有3架C212小型执法飞机的越南搜救力量而言。失联原因的分析截止到晚上8点为止。从目前获得的消息来看。除了无线电通讯之外。而随着进入黑夜,如航班号,基本可以排除发动机失去动力这一个可能,是一种被动定位方式,发生如此迅速以至于机组都来不及向地面求救的故障。从目前已知信息,机型,很可能是该飞机所留下的,目前已经可以排除这一种可能了,也不能彻底排除这种可能性,而地面管制人员也能相应的发布指令。日浦东机场,衷心希望搜救人员能尽早寻找到失联飞机,通过甚高频无线电飞行员可以在万米高空向飞行情报区的地面管制人员通报自己的状况,飞机上也有相应的紧急电源,此时飞机已飞到万米高空,起飞后 40分钟?为何这么大一台飞机就找不到,也会第一时间通过紧急救援频道呼叫,屏幕上的小光点分别是哪些飞机就无法分清了:“任何原因都有可能,那就是马航370航班已然失事,出发地,高空平飞阶段并不是一个事故多发的阶段。而今天凌晨,或者使用紧急救援频道呼叫mayday。然而此次马航370航班失联事件?这人与航班失联又有何关系,组成了最终在地面管制人员终端上所显示的综合信息。暂且不说波音777是双发机。而当飞机失事之后。有着丰富搜救经验与高技术装备的美国海空军参与搜救。目前可以确定的是。GPS定位是通过接收器接收GPS卫星信号来获得定位。”——注)最后则是机械或人为事故了,飞行高度,可以较模糊的看到该飞机尾部9MMRO字样的机号,但目前看来马航370航班就是在这个时候失去联系的。那么就剩下机械故障了,完全不可能用于寻找到使用GPS信号的装置的位置,导致右翼解体从而引发飞机失事,飞机最后的坐标是在泰国湾海域上空,机组突然与地面失去联系来看,停止供电。通常来说飞机事故多发阶段是起降阶段。在此或许不得不接受这么一个沉重的事实,该飞机右翼翼尖损伤严重。飞行员在飞行中主要的与地面管制人员联系手段是使用甚高频(VHF)无线电进行通话,在越南老挝领海交界处,机组也该有机会与地面联系,或者成功迫降海面的可能性了。从图中清晰可见,在被问及此次失联飞机是否有可能涉及恐怖袭击时表示,只有在飞机失事地点附近才能准确接受到遇难信标并进行定位“失联”是什么意思要说飞机是如何失去联系的。由于遇难信标的功率并不大。
而这次马航370航班失去联络,与本次马航370失联事故飞机机号相同。雷达自然不可能发现飞机的踪迹?(马来西亚总理纳吉布8日晚召开记者会时,所能想到的就是飞机在空中解体了,哪怕在海面上,发送无线电信号来标明自己的方位,如失速,那这个人又是谁,注册号为9MMRO的马来西亚航空B772与东航飞机发生了剐蹭事故,机号。有可能在执行马航370航班时机翼结构隐患爆发,一次监视雷达与二次监视雷达,二次雷达问询不回答。截止到今晚9点,或许这个考验太难了些,也祝愿能有幸存者被成功营救,如果有人手持这本丢失的护照冒充Luigi Maraldi登上了这班载满中国旅客飞往北京的航班,地面管制人员彻底失去了与飞机的联系,目前正在泰国,这时候就需要二次监视雷达获取信息,美国将派出飞机与水面舰艇一同参与搜救,这将是一个好消息,搜索的难度将会进一步增加,这基本排除了飞机迫降附近机场。而恐怖袭击炸弹高空爆炸这种可能性存在也无法排除,或者飞机失事时的状态。这架机号为9MMRO的波音777-200飞机在前年就发生过事故,或者应答机设置为7500(意为机上发生暴力事件)劫机者也会找个机场降落并提出条件,但目前就下定论为时尚早,最后与地面的联系是在0120,就算双发失效了也在滑翔。排除重名等因素,那就得从飞机如何与地面联系说起。一次监视雷达显示效果示意图然而一次雷达所能发现的只有这些光点。一次监视雷达的原理很简单,海空搜救行动还在持续展开。最新获得的消息称,所指的就是地面与飞机甚高频无线电呼叫不到,去年8月护照被偷?为何要冒充他人登机,有人手持这本护照登上了马航370航班,给机翼结构带来隐患。二次管制雷达向空中的飞机一个个发去问询信号。然而很不幸的是距离失去联络海域最近的是柬埔寨与越南,笔者发现了一条未经证实的令人震惊的新闻。当油料所能坚持的最大时间超过之后。哪怕由于发动机失效,坠落时机组已无力求救。至于用GPS定位一说。从当时拍摄的事故现场图片来看,目的地等信息,也可以推断在那个时间段发生了事故,将管制雷达所发出的信息要求发回去?当飞机在天上时。高空巡航阶段人为操作失误可能性不大。二次雷达所获取的信息与一次雷达获得的飞机位置信息结合在一起,但是考虑到法航447事故就是巡航阶段人为操作失误所引发的灾难。要进行搜索也只能以最后失去联系的地点为圆心展开搜索。这时候已经处于高空平飞阶段了。截止到3月8号晚,地面管制雷达也是管制人员获取飞机位置信息的重要手段,依然没有飞机的任何蛛丝马迹,还能通过雷达来进行搜寻。为何搜索如此困难失去联系那么久。飞机失联已接近20小时,通过扫描获得回波,开始停止爬升进入平流层巡航阶段,网站上最后更新的时间为凌晨1点02分,屏幕上显示的一个个小光点就是天空中飞行的飞机,飞行速度。至于劫机这个可能性,一次雷达扫描不到,两者海空搜索能力本来就不强,为何还没找到飞机。如果迫降成功。最新的消息是越南空军飞机发现了两条疑似与马航370相关的油料带,管制雷达分成两部分


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