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WordPress Birthday Party
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Posted May 25, 2008 by . Filed under .
On Tuesday, May 27th, WordPress will turn 5 years old. We’ve come a long way from .
To celebrate we’re throwing a party in San Francisco at 111 Minna, starting at 9PM. You can get the full details and RSVP
I hope you see some of you there, should be a fun time.
If you host a party in your area for WordPress’ 5th, let us know and we’ll post it here.
Update: Party in Sydney! , .
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最具影响力中文军事论坛 - Most Influential Chinese Military ForumI have been running many polls lately on the blog, and I find them pretty interesting because they give us some data on relevant issues. You guys seem to like them as well, so let&#8217;s try to make them a regular column. I will release a new poll every other Monday (so twice a month). The only doubt that I have is whether or not I should follow up with a post on the following week highlighting the results. Let me know what you guys prefer.
Anyway today&#8217;s poll is about the number of blogs that each of us own. At one point in time I was running six blogs actively. This year I sold some of them, so right now I am running three blogs actively. Notice that you don&#8217;t need to write on the blog for it to be counted. As long as you own it, that is fine. Secondly, only count active blogs please (i.e. with at least a couple of posts per month).
Have your say in our poll, and feel free to leave a comment as well.
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45 Responses to &#8220;Poll: How Many Blogs Do You Own?&#8221;
Roseli A. Bakar
I&#8217;m running more than 5 blogs
Right now, I have only one blog. I have always believed that being focused is the best way to run a blog and I concentrate fully on it.
Another reason for only one blog is that I do not get too much free time.
In my opinion, starting with just one blog and later expanding is a great strategy as new blogs benefit a lot from established blog. A great example was Darren&#8217;s Twitip. He already had 2 well established blogs when he started it and it got a lot of benefit from this.
Dana@Online Knowledge
I have 4 blog but only 2 active, so i vote for 2.
Available Domains Blog
4 blogs full time and willing to test few more part time.
As here we are four friends, We can successfully run more than 5 blogs. Newly launched one is
. It helps people to make money online via blogging from scratch. We run a daily contest for winning free domain & hosting also.
So how many blogs is not matter. What you are dealing with those blogs really matter. Offer some great content, it might be updates, news or how to blogs. If you help others in some way, your blogs start grow & make money for you.
Generally niche bloggers start more blogs in all type of high paying niches. Its also a good idea.
I only have one blog right now, but I have several other domains.
Not sure what the future will bring.
Right now I have an outside job five days/week, so I don&#8217;t have the time to devote on more than one.
For now, only 1. I had to quit another because of some scheduling issues. However, I&#8217;m planning to be slightly productive next year, a chance to try something new on a site. Will see. ^^
Social/Blogging Tracker
Tom &#8211;
I voted for 3 because that is all I could think of. I am pretty sure I only have 3 left. I sold a few recently.
Only one active, but I&#8217;ve got two dormant ones (actually, four if you count a personal one and one which I started and never got off the ground&#8230;)
I run different blogs fro different niches and reasons =)
I have 2 blogs&#8211;one on a free platform, the other one is paid-hosted.
Funny, but the free one is the one that gets traffic&#8230;guess it has to do with the content topic being more popular on that one, plus I have 2 great incoming links.
Links really do help a lot!
I have been blogging at two blogs, one written in English, the other written in Chinese. I dream one day that both of them will be as popular as Dailyblogtips.
Four. One writing blog. One blog of knitting book reviews. One blog of weekly book discussions. One knitting/personal blog.
Dave Doolin | Website In A Weekend
More than 5, but most are moribund and I&#8217;m decommissioning most of them with taffic redirecting back to main sites.
Not worth my time to keep up with.
Just 2 for now, but I have and idea to start a couple niche blogs at some point.
I used to own three but one was doing better than all of them () so i decided to dedicate all of my time to that one, and it&#8217;s paid off.
Brian Dusablon
More than 5. Few are very active. Ideas for 3-5 more. Where does all the time go?
Well I recently started up my Blog Creativeoverflow.net &#8211; A Design Blog for Anything creative.
Its been going really well and I am determined to make it work full time.
I only have 1 blog at the moment but, I am sure it will multiple as time goes along.
I am running only 1 blog.
Blake @ Props Blog Reviews
I&#8217;m only running 1 blog right now, but my wife and I have been discussing starting one for her about high fashion.
@Daniel &#8211;
I would love to see the followup posts about the poll results and what you think the result mean or how the results do or don&#8217;t effect us.
I have voted for more than 5 blogs, my recent blog is FamousBloggers.net and a corporation blog and Social Network for Making Money Online Tips built on the contributions of its authors.
Harsh Agrawal
I have 4 blogs and all 4 of them are active and 3 more are lined up..
How about 20?
I wrote an article on a similar topic a few weeks back. I suggest most new bloggers start with one before starting other blogs. Even a single blog can consume a blogger full time while learning all the basics. Juggling multiple blogs is a recipe for disaster in the early stages.
John Samuel
I own 5 blogs on a single domain, but I am concentrating on only one of my blogs
Just one up to know but I&#8217;m working on other 3
I maintain 3 blogs.
It&#8217;s a lot of work to maintain any more.
I run 2 blogs, 1 full-time, the other with periodic updates.
I have others that are in various stages of development, but only 2 that are worth declaring as blogs at the moment.
I have a full-time job as well, so 1 is like a second part-time job, and the other is a hobby that I work on whenever possible.
I actually need more time to dedicate to my blogs, but what can you do.
Chipper Dave
I currently manage 2 active blogs but also have 4 others that are inactive and I no longer update.
It&#8217;s all I can do to update the 2 of them.
I keep the other 4 around for historical sake and in the chance I might go back to them someday.
John B. Moss
I&#8217;ve just started my blog, so haven&#8217;t had enough experience to go for more &#8211; yet. I&#8217;m still at the stage where a &#8216;Blogging Buddy&#8217; would be VERY helpful.
I am using b2evolution, and I&#8217;m finding out there are other blog platforms, some of them quite popular. However, I have what I have and am making every attempt to use it well.
Thank you for providing such a helpful place to learn. We can always learn, and your help is appreciated!
Wow. I was a little surprised to see that so far most people own more than five. I only own four myself, but have put up far more than five for clients. In fact the last three website I have build included blogs.
I have one active one and 2 dormant ones that could become active as soon as next month. Lets see how it goes
1 to be 2 eventually.
I&#8217;m running 5 blogs but I just write 1, the others are autoblog.
hi, i am currently running 3, all of them are manual blog, but only one of them gave me a revenue because of its English language&#8230;.
man, i thought English-languaged blog is the best
Currently posting on 4 blogs but plan to go down to 1 that will include the content of the other 3.
Anand Srinivasan
4+ are all static now as I no longer update..I write regularly only on two of them..
I&#8217;ve got 3 blogs, the one is fully automated and the other two are hand written. The automated gets more traffic than the others
Lee Ka Hoong
I own more than 5 blogs, but recently I just update my main blog. Seems that most of the people have more than 5 blogs.
I own 20 blogs with different niche, most are active but not updated. It is difficult to update and manage a lot of blogs but honestly I really like blogging
Paula from Affiliate Blog Online
It&#8217;s interesting that (as of today) the poll shows that most people have more than 5 blogs. I have over 20 blogs and as the previous commentor mentioned, it is difficult to maintain that many blogs.
I think it is a bit of a habit amongst internet marketers to think that the next thing they try will be the one that makes the real money&#8230;hence creating one blog after another. We did the exact same thing but realized some time into it that it doesn&#8217;t work. Concentrate on one or two blogs at the most and you will have more success. This was the turning point for us and when we finally started making big money on the internet.
I just started my first one and most likely my only one. I struggle with posting every other day and coming up with new ideas for my posts. I guess one day I would like a blog that made some $$.
Lia Qistina
For me, i own just ONE blog, and that is my only blog ..
I think owning one active blog is fine, because we can put a lot of focus, energy and passion into it.
Jonathan Frei &#8212; OrdinaryTime
3, but only one gets any attention.
I have 5 blogs but only 2 remain active. So hard to manage them very well..
Comments are closed.Come together All Gamers
Come together All Gamers
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